Last Vestiges by thesleuthacademy *** Part I: Escape the room - Find clues, interview people, and piece the story together *** 1. Getting information about the case x knapp x carl x me ask knapp about victim/body/case ask knapp about wounds ask knapp about time of death (you can also ask Knapp about alibi. g.) ask knapp about carl's alibi ask carl about alibi ask carl about rent ask carl about victim ask carl about time of death ask knapp about autopsy ask knapp about suspects/leads ask knapp about prints ask carl about security camera/cctv ask knapp about visitors ask carl about visitors 2. Exploring the crime scene Oak Door x door open door x door (or enter door) Bed x bed x ear plugs x window open window x window x ledge Chair x chair x blood ask knapp about blood Piano x piano (you can ask Knapp and Carl about piano) x scribbles Desk x desk x phone x mug x liquid ask knapp about liquid x newspapers x advertisements ask knapp about victim's job x lamp switch lamp on x grid ask knapp about grid draw 8 on screen x phone x note (you can also ask Knapp about phone, mug, lamp and note) x photos ask knapp about photos ask knapp about constance ask knapp about constance's alibi ask knapp about wife ask knapp about accident (you can ask Carl about these but he doesn't know much) Wardrobe x wardrobe open wardrobe x clothes x rack x box Chest of drawers x drawers open top drawer x bottle x label open bottle x bottle ask knapp about pills ask knapp about cirrhosis ask knapp about drinking habit/drinking/alcohol ask knapp about depression ask knapp about high blood pressure/hypertension (you can ask Carl about these but he doesn't know much) x bottom drawer enter 4613 on bottom drawer open bottom drawer x key take key (taking is optional in this game) (Knapp and Carl may respond if you ask them about other topics or items) Red box unlock box with key x envelope open envelope x letter give knapp letter *** Part II: The verdict - Solve the mystery *** [Major spoilers ahead. Only read on if you are truly stuck!] Who killed the victim: 7 How did the victim die: 2 What did the victim die of: 9